Find out what your rights are if your relationship has broken down, for example whether you can stay in the family home or who the children should live with.  You can also find out how to deal with things like making a will, registering a birth or changing your name, and where else to go for help.

The Citizens Advice information site is the best place to start looking for help and advice. Click the button below.

Search below for contact details of organisations who may be able to help further.

Advice groups

Service Contact number or website Description
Family Rights Group 0808 801 0366 

Advice related to care for children, including court orders

Family Lives 0808 800 2222 

Managing family life, separation and divorce

Child Law Advice (family and immigration) 0300 330 5480 
Working Families 0300 012 0312 

General advice on any aspect of family life if someone’s employed

University of Law - Pro Bono (Term time only) 

Family Email Legal Advice

Grandparent Plus 0300 123 7015 

Guidance for grandparents relating to grandchildren – access to, care of etc…

Gingerbread 0808 802 0925 

Advice for single parents

Child Maintenance

Service Contact number or website Description
CM Options 0800 953 0191 

For questions about liability and use of official CM Service


Service Contact number or website Description
National Family Mediation Service 0300 4000 636 

Provides details of suitable mediators

Family Mediation Council 

Provides details of suitable mediators (bottom right on the home page)

CAFCASS 0300 456 4000 

Looks out for best interests of children going through court

Domestic Abuse

Service Contact number or website Description
National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 200 0247 

Information, emotional support, referral for accommodation

Refuge 0808 200 0247 

Accommodation for women

Rights of Women 020 7251 6577 

Family law advice relating to domestic abuse

Men's Advice Line 0808 801 0327 

Information and support for men relating to domestic abuse

National Centre for Domestic Violence 0800 970 2070 

Information and support for men and women relating to domestic abuse

Action on Elder Abuse 0808 808 8141 

Information and support to the elderly relating to domestic abuse

GALOP 0300 999 5428 

Information and support for L,G,B, and T relating to domestic abuse

Advice or Support Groups

Service Contact number or website Description
Family Rights Group 0808 801 0366 

Advice related to care for children, including court orders

Age UK Cheshire West 01244 401 500 

Benefits and care issues for 50+ yr olds

British Legion 0808 802 8080 

General support and guidance for forces/ex-forces

Carers Trust CW and Warrington 01244 400 502 

Advice and support for carers

National Dementia Helpline 0300 222 1122 

Advice and support for matters relating to people with dementia

National Autism Helpline 0808 800 4104 

Advice on general issues affecting people with autism

Stroke Association 0303 3033 100 

Practical and emotional support for people affected by strokes

Asthma Helpline 0300 222 5800 

Asthma nurses for guidance on the condition

BHF Heartline 0300 330 3311 

Guidance on living with heart conditions

Little Lungs 0151 608 8288 

Ch’ West and Wirral – Emotional support for parents of 1-5yo children with respiratory issues (interpreter available)

General/ Physical Treatment

Service Contact number or website Description
Cheshire and Merseyside dental helpline 0161 476 9651 

Help to find an emergency dentist if a client has been unable to book an appointment

NHS England's Customer Contact Centre 0300 311 2233 

General guidance and signposting, can offer same-day call backs

NHS Service Finder 

Mental Health

Service Contact number or website Description
MIND Info Line 0300 123 3393 

Information on dealing with MH conditions and general issues

MIND Legal Line 0300 466 6463 

Advice on mental health law

Samaritans 116 123 

Listening service only. No advice, information or ongoing support

Wirral & Cheshire West NHS Mental Health Line 0300 303 3972 

For people struggling severely to maintain mental health

Rethink 0808 801 0525 

Guidance around Mental Health Act, money matters, community care, benefits, carers’ needs

NHS Complaints

Service Contact number or website Description
Patient Advice and Liaison Service 0800 195 4462 

Advice on service options and complaints

Healthwatch 0300 323 0006 

Support with complaints

The Patients Association 020 8423 8999 

Information and advice on complaints, and service standards

Voiceability 0300 330 5454 

Complaints advocacy service

Local Authority

Service Contact number or website Description
Child Social Care 0300 123 7047 

Concerns about children or disability needs

Adult Social Care 0300 123 7034 

Concerns about adults or disability needs

Data/ Medical Evidence

Service Contact number or website Description
Information Commissioners Office 0303 123 1113 

Guidance on handling/getting copies of personal data, and reporting concerns

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